A  13-week transformational journey to claim your Wise and Whole Self
& ignite your most meaningful next chapter

—at midlife and beyond

Registration for the February 2025 program
is now closed.

Please contact Keren at info@wisewomanleading.com to be added to the waitlist for the Fall 2025 program.

In the second half of a woman’s life, a challenge, transition, loss, or longing can open a portal...
...that invites us to leave behind what is no longer ours, be in the Mystery of what hasn’t yet been born, and then in the silence of un-knowing, to open to something new.

So too, these transformational times we are living in call us to become comfortable in the chaos.

After a time, from the ashes of what is breaking down, we rise.

We are the ones we have been waiting for. It's time to Awaken the WiseWoman.

Our Journey: The Overview

You'll join me, Keren Brown, Midlife Mysteries and Transition Coach, on a 13-week journey of discovery, initiation, and Mystery to awaken the WiseWoman you have always been and are always becoming. This program is designed for women in the second half of life to help you:

  • Explore the multidimensional facets of healthy aging, healing, and wholeness, to optimize your well-being
  • Cultivate and activate your WiseWoman superpowers and gifts, as we restore and rebalance the Feminine in the collective
  • Discover and ignite your role and life purpose at this stage of your life and in the world

Through a combination of discussion, small group coaching, meditation journeys, and creative practices, we’ll journey together through 3 portals (and lunar cycles), aligning to the feminine and cyclical rhythms of nature, and with built-in time to rest and integrate...

  • Releasing and letting go of what’s no longer serving us 
  • Resting in the silence to hear the deeper whispers of your soul
  • Receiving guidance to begin creating your exciting new chapter as we pass through the Equinox

And to complete, you’ll reclaim your evolving Self in a WiseWoman ceremony in early May.

I'm holding space for you... 

Throughout our time together, I'll be holding space for you to:

  • Discover who you truly are and what you really want, beyond the roles and identities (as a spouse/partner, a mother, a daughter, a professional…) that may be shifting and changing at this time
  • Explore and reclaim your menopause and midlife story—whether it’s still emerging or in the rearview mirror
  • Discover the mind/body connection and psycho-energetic aspects of the peri and post menopause/midlife journey and its potential relationship to physical symptoms you may be experiencing
  • Uncover and release cultural, patriarchal, ancestral, and limiting beliefs about aging, your visibility and relevance at this stage of your life, and the potential for the second half of your life
  • Clear old stories and emotions that are coming up for healing (at a more rapid pace now than before!)
  • Navigate losses, challenges, transitions, and change with more ease
  • Reflect on the Virgin, Mother, and Crone aspects of your life (we have all 3, at any age, and regardless of whether we have birthed children), as well as what we need to heal and complete from each of the biological ages and stages  
  • Learn to truly rest and calm your nervous system, be comfortable in the unknown, and listen to the guidance of your higher self and the unseen realms
  • Make space to create a soul-aligned, joyful, and meaningful next chapter – whether that’s a personal change, more purposeful work, an exciting new creative venture or project, an inspired semi-retirement or retirement
  • Move lighter (en-light-ened) into a bright future and be the lighthouse for others as you hold a higher vibration and vision for the world
We’ll work on a personal and practical level, while also weaving in the Feminine Mysteries and archetypal stories from the Goddess myths— because the forgotten ancient practices and the Divine Feminine are returning to support us personally and collectively to release patriarchy and create a new golden future.

his journey has been designed to be spacious and nourishing, allowing you to deepen into and integrate each experience without feeling there is too much to “do.” You will be witnessed and met, exactly where you are.
It is my intention that you’ll come away with a set of tools and practices for your continued expansion and evolution as the WiseWoman you’ve always been—

  • with more clarity and confidence to move through the world,
  • empowered and inspired,
  • in alignment with your life purpose, and
  • as a wayshower for the collective. 

I'm ready to join the journey!

Single  Payment

Two  Payments

 of $333

 of $188

Register Me Now!
Register Me Now!

VIP Option:
The WoW(Woman of Wisdom) Package

Receive the program PLUS TWO private 55-minute intuitive guidance and coaching sessions with Keren to deepen your experience and get personal support for a particular situation you are navigating. These sessions can be used at any point during, or up to 6 months following, the program.

Two private sessions are valued at $497.

WoW  Package
Single  Payment

WoW  Package
Two  Payments

 of $555

 of $297

Register Me Now!
Register Me Now!
Portal One
As we step through the first portal, we begin to lay the foundations of a WiseWoman’s life, bringing in the healing tools and practices we’ll be working with throughout our journey together. We look at what needs to be released in your life, including old stories, emotions, beliefs, and identities, as well as examining any specific transitions you are navigating. 
  • Uncover your beliefs about aging, your body, and your health as you age, and how to reframe them if needed
  • Re-center your core values to support you in making the most aligned choices and decisions
  • Meet and befriend your inner WiseWoman, leaning into what she wants for you now
  • Begin to discover, develop, and deepen your WiseWoman superpowers and gifts (including intuition and discernment, holding the both/and, connection to the unseen realms and more)
  • Learn how to work with each phase of the lunar cycle as a tool for rhythmic living, shadow work, inner child healing, processing, and integration as you release what no longer serves you, culminating in a 3-day dark moon practice for clearing and healing

Our archetypal guides: Demeter and Persephone
Portal Two
We step into silence, deep rest and self-care. What do the Feminine Mysteries have to teach about dying to the old and being with uncertainty? How can this support you at this time of your life and in the world?
  • Embrace “death,” the Crone archetype, and physical mortality in order to live more fully now
  • Meet your inner WiseWoman Council and discover how they can support you
  • Cultivate present-moment open heartedness and your ability to BE in stillness
  • Heighten your ability to work with the unseen realms and move between worlds
  • Explore and create a nourishing self-care practice to sustain you over the winter months

Our archetypal guides: Hecate and Inanna

Portal Three
Having released outmoded beliefs and identities and cultivated your WiseWoman gifts, it’s time to emerge, as you receive guidance for your soul path and next steps in each area of your life and begin to take inspired action. You’ll take a deep dive to understand: What’s in the highest alignment for me to do? How will I be?
  • Enhance your WiseWoman capacities for staying rooted, healing internal and external polarities, and navigating a world in transition
  • Integrate the archetypal Virgin, Mother, and Crone aspects of your nature
  • Discern between external voices of authority and your inner sovereignty as the WiseWoman
  • Gather insights and ignite your sacred purpose
  • Receive and initiate a plan—with specific next steps— for your next chapter, based on your new potentials and who you’ve become
Our archetypal guides: Brigid and Aphrodite
From Keren's Clients and Members...

"The many visualizations and exercises and your homework/wrap-up have left me with a sense of purpose and rejuvenation. Your coaching has been the perfect timing towards a new life of fulfillment and alignment for me, so thank you again." 

- Elaine

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"Truly... a magical combination of deeply spiritual, creative, tactical, and it all rests inside a profound commitment to usher women into their deepest callings and soul work. A true gift to women and the planet."

- Deb

"Thank you! I am very appreciative of the processes you’ve taken me through ... It’s opened up new ways of thinking & being."

- Karol

 What you'll receive: 

9 LIVE calls

Release—Weeks of Feb 3, 10 and 17
Rest—Weeks of March 3, 10 and 17
Receive—Weeks of March 31, April 7 and April 14
(Day and time TBD* -- see FAQs)

90-minute LIVE sessions on Zoom with teaching and discussion, experiential practices, and coaching to deepen into each theme, archetype, and "portal."
All recordings are available for ongoing access.

WiseWoman Ceremony
& Completion

Week of May 12th
(Date and time TBD* See FAQs)

Honour, integrate, and celebrate your journey and that of your WiseWoman sisters in this 2-hour LIVE WiseWoman Ceremony and Completion. You’ll activate, claim, and step powerfully into the WiseWoman you’ve become and are re-membering; and declare your inspired commitments for the next chapter of your life as you move forward.

3 Dark Moon Gatherings

LIVE Calls on Zoom
(60 minutes each)

Thursday, February 27th at 3pm Eastern Time/7 pm UTC
Thursday, March 27th at 3pm Eastern Time/7 pm UTC
Tuesday April 29th at 3pm Eastern Time/7 pm UTC

As we pass through each portal, we pause and gather under the “Red Tent” around the time of the New Moon. These gatherings allow us to deepen our experience of the healing lunar cycle and 3-day Dark Moon practice we are working with throughout the program. Includes discussion, ceremony, and guided journeying, plus reflection and journalling or creative time.

All recordings are available for ongoing access.

Special Bonus

Special Bonus: Inanna's Journey to the Underworld, with Leslie Zehr

Pre-recorded sessions
(Released in February)

Join us for this two-part experiential journey, as Leslie retells the archetypal story of Inanna’s descent and ascent, taking us back through time to the essence of our being, initiating and unlocking the esoteric wisdom buried deep within our psyches. In a follow-up session, you will process and integrate the lessons and revelations you gathered from the experience.

Additional Bonus

Additional Bonus: Gentle Embodiment & Movement Practices

Pre-recorded videos (and a possible LIVE session!)

Embody the WiseWoman with simple and joyful practices that ignite the Divine Feminine within, reconnect you to your body, and increase your feeling of vitality and well-being.

Program Materials
& Private Group

Program Materials and (Optional) Private Group Discussion

You’ll receive playsheets, pre-recorded activations and meditations, a resources list, and other materials to support and deepen your learning.

As well, you’ll be invited to join our easy-to-use private discussion group (hosted in Mighty Networks) to interact with and support the other women in the program, share your insights, and ask questions between live sessions.

VIP/Woman of Wisdom (WoW) Package Holders Only:

Upgrade to the VIP/Woman of Wisdom package and receive the program
PLUS TWO private 55-minute intuitive guidance and coaching sessions
 with Keren to deepen your experience and get personal support for a particular situation you are navigating.

These sessions can be used at any point during, or up to 6 months following, the program.
The Awaken the WiseWoman program may well be for you if:
  • You want to feel good about aging, and to age well
  • You want to feel empowered again, rather than embattled, after the experiences of the last several years
  • You long to be calmer, more rooted, and more responsive as the world continues to transform itself
  • You desire to know who you truly are now, to love who that is, and to spend this precious life doing what fills you with joy
  • You want to feel excited and ready to embrace life on your terms, rather than being afraid of what’s going on “out there”
  • You are searching for deeper fulfillment and meaning in one or more areas of your life
  • You want to deepen into your spiritual journey through feminine wisdom
  • You are open and curious, willing to look inward, and explore new ideas
  • You enjoy spending quality time with like-hearted women
  • You’d love to share your gifts and wisdom with others
  • You have been hearing the call to play a role in birthing a new and better future
This may NOT be a good fit for you if....

  • You are looking for a quick fix or for healing or energy work to be done “to” you by someone else
  • You have a very conventional belief system and like things “the way they are”
  • You want cold, hard facts and aren’t open to exploring things you can’t see or measure
  • You don’t enjoy (or aren’t open to trying) meditation, experiential practices, or inner reflection
  • You are focused on achieving external goals and objectives and thrive on going/doing 24/7

Join Awaken the WiseWoman!

Single  Payment

Two  Payments

 of $333

 of $188

Register Me Now!
Register Me Now!

VIP Option:
The WoW(Woman of Wisdom) Package

Receive the program PLUS TWO private 55-minute intuitive guidance and coaching sessions with Keren to deepen your experience and get personal support for a particular situation you are navigating. These sessions can be used at any point during, or up to 6 months following, the program.

Two private sessions are valued at $497.

WoW  Package
Single  Payment

WoW  Package
Two  Payments

 of $555

 of $297

Register Me Now!
Register Me Now!

Hi, I'm Keren. I'm a Midlife Mystery Coach, supporting women in the second half of life to dance with the transitions, small m and Big M Mysteries of the second half of life, the feminine wisdom way.

I'm also a guide for women solopreneurs with more than 25 years’ marketing and communications consulting experience. I'm especially good at seeing how your passions, gifts, experiences, and soul path can align into a unique healing and creative business offering for others.

I love to support women through the initiation of midlife to become the archetypal WiseWoman—to uncover your soul gifts and express them in the outer world, and to reclaim joy, vitality and meaning in every area of your life and work, lit up and on purpose.

I'm a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), movement facilitator, and a certified facilitator of Dr. Christine Page’s Women’s Mysteries for the Modern Woman, and I've hosted or co-hosted multiple online retreats and summits, including the quarterly online Awakened Midlife Interview Series, and the Exploring the Unseen online retreat series.
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Bonus Storytelling Guide
Leslie Zehr, a mystic, sacred arts mentor, podcaster, and author, has guided women in reconnecting with the Divine Feminine through ancient Egyptian mysteries for over three decades. A trained hypnotherapist, reiki master, astrologer, aromatherapist, and homeopath, Leslie wrote two books, The Alchemy of Dance: Sacred Dance as a Path to the Universal Dancer and The Al-chemia Remedies: Vibrational Essences from Egyptian Flowers and Sacred Sites and is the Co-Vice President for the Sacred Dance Guild. Her lectures and workshops have taken her from Cairo, ancient Egyptian temples, and archaeological sites along the Nile River to studios and centers across the United States. Currently, Leslie offers courses through her online school, Universal Dancer Temple of the Sacred Arts.

Still have questions? We've got answers.

Q. When are the live calls taking place? I'm concerned about not being able to attend due to my schedule.
A. When it comes to the 9 core program calls and completion ceremony, I'll be asking YOU to decide! After you register, you'll receive a short survey asking about your timezone and availability throughout the week. The session weeks are pre-determined (see above) but the day and time will be set for what works best for the majority. As well, all sessions will be recorded. Please note that the Dark Moon Gathering dates and times are pre-set (see schedule above). But again, there will be recordings available if you can't make it.

Q. Do I have to attend the calls live?
A. Although it’s best if you can make it to sessions in person to participate in the discussions and coaching, I understand that sometimes that's not possible if you have an unpredictable or unusual schedule, or you are in a tricky timezone for online programs . Or perhaps you are simply a person who likes to "hang back" and watch the recordings—that's OK too, although I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and join live. If you are going to miss a call, an option is for you to send in your questions, updates, and anything for review ahead of time, so we can include it on the call.

Q. What  class size do you expect?
A.  I plan to limit the size so that this can be a high-touch, small group program.

Q. You mention that this is a "beta" program. What does that mean?
A.  I'm offering this program as a beta version, meaning that it is the first time the material is being delivered in this specific format. It's a test of sorts—I'm looking to see if the course is the right length and what content is the most impactful for participants. Running it as a beta version allows me to make small adjustments along the way based on what the group needs, and enables me to offer the program at  a lower price (future versions of the course may be longer and/or at a higher investment). As such, I will ask for your constructive feedback, and if you're happy with the course, a testimonial at the end (I'll provide a few questions to make that easy for you!).

Q. How much time will I need to spend on this program each week? 
A.  The time needed to attend a live session (see schedule above), or to watch a recording, is 60-90 minutes per week. In addition, you may want to spend an hour or two per week for reflection time, revisiting processes, preparing for the 3-day Dark Moon, or interacting with others in the private discussion group (optional). The intention is for you to gradually integrate the awareness and practices into your daily life, rather than them being an add-on. I believe these are practices you’ll want to embrace and use for life!

Q. Why is there so much emphasis on the Dark Moon and lunar cycle in this program?
A. Nature has so much to teach us about the birth-life-death-rebirth cycle, and a woman’s body, through menstruation, is fully aligned with this natural wisdom. This is at the heart of the Feminine Mysteries. After menstruation, we can “cycle” instead with the 28/29 days of a lunation. It’s not only about doing a ceremony at the time of the Dark Moon, but cultivating and integrating an ongoing/day-to-day practice to uncover what you are carrying that no longer serves you, die to the old by releasing what you’re ready to let go of, and make space, in the Mystery and potential, for receiving new creative seeds. As we do this, we become lighter/enlightened going forward. I’ll be guiding you through the steps of this process—it’s powerful!

Q. I'm new to this kind of work. Will this program be too advanced or heavy for me?
A. The practices will be introduced gradually and are very accessible for any stage of your spiritual and inner  journey. They are powerful but don't have to be heavy! If you are curious about and intrigued by this program, it's probably for you. As well, I will be by your side throughout the program to support you.

Q. I'm well past menopause and what I consider to be my "midlife" years. Can I still benefit from this program?
A. Absolutely! If you feel there are aspects of your midlife years that feel incomplete or are still emotionally charged, you will have an opportunity in the program to revisit and heal them. As well, it's never too late to design an inspired next chapter! I have clients and members into their 70s who are  doing this kind of work.

Q. What kind of technology will I need?
A. We’ll be meeting by Zoom, a platform most people are familiar with by now :) . It’s ideal if you have a computer with a camera and mic, but you also have the option to dial in by phone. We will also be using a private discussion group (hosted by Mighty Networks) which is super easy and intuitive to navigate. Joining the discussion group is completely optional. Everyone will receive links to the recordings for download and ongoing access.

Have a question not answered here? I'm happy to help!
Please email me at info@wisewomanleading.com with your question or
schedule a 15-minute, no obligation/no pressure Discovery Call with me below.

A woman in the second half of life...

...is invited on an empowering journey to become the archetypal WiseWoman.

To awaken to her full power, sovereignty, and joy.

To find fulfillment doing what she loves while being a beacon for others and holding a vision for future generations.
Step through the portal and discover ALL of who you truly are.

I'm ready to take the journey!

Single  Payment

Two  Payments

 of $333

 of $188

Register Me Now!
Register Me Now!

VIP Option:
The WoW(Woman of Wisdom) Package

Receive the program PLUS TWO private 55-minute intuitive guidance and coaching sessions with Keren to deepen your experience (2 sessions valued at $497)

WoW  Package
Single  Payment

WoW  Package
Two  Payments

 of $555

 of $297

Register Me Now!
Register Me Now!


Please note that we do not offer refunds and all sales are final. We do our best to accurately represent our programs and the results we believe they can deliver, but we cannot guarantee these results as everyone is individual and responsible for doing the work and practices outlined in the programs. We understand there are extenuating circumstances that may occur and are always available to discuss your situation. In such cases we may be able to offer you a spot in another program, at our discretion. By purchasing on our site, you agree that you are fully responsible for your progress from your participation and implementation, and that we offer no representations or guarantees of any kind verbally or in writing.


The information contained in or made available through this program cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, mental, financial, medical, psychological, or legal fields. This program is for informational purposes only: we do not offer any medical, financial, or legal advice and none of the information contained in the program should be confused as such advice. Always consult a qualified professional to seek such advice.
© WiseWoman Leading 2024